Food at the Meanwood Tavern is served by our friends Pizza Loco.
Expect soft, light and airy crusts, with interesting, generous toppings and an emphasis on sustainable British ingredients including Wildfarmed UK-grown and milled organic flour, Yorkshire-grown organic tomatoes, and British charcuterie.
Founded in 2014 by pizza chef Ollie Reynolds, Pizza Loco have earned a reputation as one of Leeds’ best pizza joints – with a 4.8* ranking on Google and winning the Sustainability Award at the Leeds 2023 YEP Oliver Awards. In Ollie’s own words “We love traditional Italian pizza, and we also love to experiment – our pizza isn’t simply about what the Neapolitan ‘rules’ stipulate!”
Pizza Loco will be supplying families with free kids pizza on Sundays at our Kids Crafting Table, 12—3pm.
Mon—Fri 4pm—9.30pm
Saturday 12noon —9.30pm
Sunday 12noon—8.00pm